Best newborn photos of 2019 in Cleveland, Ohio

My families who have been around since the beginning or those who have followed my professional career over the last nine years can tell you…my work in the newborn category has truly had some big changes throughout the years!

I began with more lifestyle, quickly dove into posed studio work and found a passion for birth work. Eventually, my heart pulled me back towards documentary work and over the last few years, I have taken a step back from birth photography (we welcomed our second child in June of 2019 which meant I decided to take a break from being on call) but haven’t lost my passion for helping tell women’s stories throughout their motherhood journey.

I found a true love for postpartum photography with women in hospitals after delivery. Which has helped curb my longing for those birth photography days!

There is nothing like a photograph to remind you of that new baby smell and bring you right back to where your Motherhood story all began.

I can promise you that as a Mother of two myself, those first few days (weeks…okay months…!) can only be described as a beautiful blur.

You’ll know exhaustion on a whole new level and each time you go to put a bit of food into your mouth or take a sip of coffee that sweet baby of yours will wake up and begin to cry.

And that’s why I’m here and that is what I am here for.

The chaos and love and emotions and mess.

I’m here to not only help women remember those first days of their baby’s lives, but also to leave documentation for these babies to have of their story one day.

I mean, what would you give to have this of your own first few days of life? To see how fiercely your Mother loved you and how small you were in your Father’s hands?

You just can’t put a price on that. These moments are fleeting and time is a serious thief.

If you are expecting in 2020 and are interested in working with me to welcome your new addition, I would love to chat with you more about my services and what I can offer you.


Best Maternity Photos of 2019 in Cleveland, Ohio


Sugar Pines Tree Farm in Chesterland, Ohio, Christmas photo sessions: Day Two