A fresh 48 newborn session at Akron City Hospital in Ohio with Callum, Part 1
I don’t even know where to start on this one. But, I suppose we will start with this is one of my favorite type of sessions, and this might be one of the most precious sessions to date.
There is a part two of this as well, where I am sharing the more intimate postpartum images of just Mom and baby, you can see that one here.
But in this blog post, I’m sharing the family portion of this fresh 48 session. We spent the first half an hour with just Mom and baby, Dad went and got a coffee and got the kids, and then we spent the second half of the session with the entire family. Psst…look for the photo of Mom and baby Callum and the big kids in the background on the couch with their toys, if THAT ISN’T MOTHERHOOD idk what is…
But let’s roll it back. Because this is going to be a bit of a rambling blog post because it’s hard to fit it all in!
I met Linds at the creek where we did nude maternity photos, in case you missed it go check that blog post out here. Then we planned this session. I have done many fresh 48 sessions, but wanted to start incorporating more postpartum photos of Mom and baby together, and since I had already had her nude in front of my camera, she was up for it, obviously!
Linds delivered Callum at Akron City hospital in Akron, Ohio, and their new postpartum rooms, as you can see, are absolutely AMAZING. I am actually a bit jealous. Large windows, huge rooms, nothing like the tiny closet I had my baby in! So, if you’re in the area and have the option, seriously opt for this hospital. They also have great natural birthing suits with the big bathtubs!
Back to the photos though…
The kids were pretty excited to meet their new baby brother, who came out the size of a one month old and had ALL THE CHUNK you could ever want.
I know many women couldn’t imagine paying someone to come in and take photos after giving birth. I completely get that. But I hope that this shows you how precious these photos and these moments are.
Those first few days after baby is born, is a whirlwind. Sometimes it’s traumatic, stressful, exhausting, and so much joy. There is pain, stress, overflowing love, and pure adrenaline. There is A lot going on physically and emotionally. And you won’t remember a lot of it. It goes by so quickly, and people are coming in (whether it’s visitors or nurses) and you’re just trying to figure it all out.
Which is why having photos documenting those first moments, when your bigger kids meet baby, when Dad holds your son…are so important. It’s all a blur. And who wants to rely on their partner or try and take their own photo in between changing their new adult diaper they were just given?
No one. Not even me, and I do this for a living. Yes, I hired someone for this session with my daughter and have no regrets! I was so exhausted and had lost enough blood that standing up was making me dizzy, so I’m so happy someone else was able to come and take the photos for me after she was born.
So here we are. And I’ll let the photos speak for themselves. And I’ll encourage you again to go check out part two of the postpartum images if you’re a Mom and considering one of these sessions, (fyi there is nudity because it’s a very natural session) and then feel free to reach out to me via the contact page or hit the book now button up top and let me know where you are delivering and when you are due so we can plan your session!